Welcome to my little big world

Here you will find all sorts of things, from my bored blah blah's to things happening that are a little bigger than a blah blah, some from my RL and lots from my SL. Hope you will enjoy these pages, and if you find them utterly boring - read before bedtime, that way they are good for something ;)

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

My first post

Don't have much to say really, but wanted to add a few words here before I go do something else. LOL


  1. hahahaa - I bet you got loads of things to share Ilder - can't wait to read up on them :) hugs and luv ya both - and make sure Scotland remains the same and not get to influenced by Norway =)

  2. LOL Noc woman.. that not to influenced by Norway is way to late... remember the vikings? *snicker*

  3. Hahaa - if forgot about the vikings for a moment - but your absolutely right, I had my mind completely elsewhere =)


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